Consultation Services

Sharing our expertise and knowledge to improve process and outcomes.

Program Managers

Many programs rely on grant funding to transform ideas into reality. We have experience
developing all components of successful grant applications, including literature reviews, logic models, and science-based evaluation plans. After determining your specific needs, we can assist in the grant-funding process by developing complete grant applications, providing guidance on specific sections of your grants, and reviewing existing grant applications before submission.

Successful programs have a solid theoretical foundation and a comprehensive implementation plan. Drawing on research literature, we can help clarify the specific paths that lead to program goals. This theoretical understanding can then inform a coordinated implementation plan that sets the program up for success. Learn more about our program development and evaluation expertise.

We are also proponents of continuous quality improvement (CQI) systems that guide
ongoing program development and implementation. CQI involves a cycle of evaluation,
planning, and implementation so that programs can adapt to new realities and continue to improve over time. Informed by our program evaluation and development experience, we can help implement a practical and sustainable CQI system for your program.

Program teams often have a variety of needs, and we tailor our trainings to your specific goals. Drawing on our clinical and community psychology experience, we provide trainings focused on a range of topics, including creating equitable workgroups, improving communication and collaboration, navigating conflict, and identifying and supporting team members who are experiencing challenges.

Businesses and Organizations

When teams are struggling to navigate challenges, transitions and disagreements, conflict can arise. Our expertise in group dynamics, healthy group development, and conflict mediation can help your team realign with shared values, uncover needs of team members, and develop strategies for moving forward.

Decades of research confirms that diversity in teams leads to higher creativity and better problem solving. When team members with diverse identities feel empowered, respected, and heard, the benefits are endless. Given the often difficult, emotional, and complex nature of diversity issues, having a trained facilitator for these discussions can be vital.

We are trained to facilitate constructive dialogues on matters pertaining to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Our approach to this work is focused on advancement of knowledge, insight, and change at the individual and organizational levels.

Approaching conversations during times of crisis and grief can be extremely difficult, particularly when leaders are navigating their own emotional reactions. We facilitate discussions to collaboratively and openly process shared traumatic experiences  including loss of a colleague or team member, catastrophic weather events, etc. Our aim is to help groups and individuals find meaning and cohesion during challenging times.

Healthcare Providers

We provide clinical case consultation in the following areas of expertise:

Dr. Seitz specializes in evidence-based clinical work that is situated within a recovery-oriented and strengths-focused framework. He has advanced training and experience integrating principles of social justice into clinical work, and working with individuals diagnosed with serious and persistent mental disorders.

Dr. Hale specializes in integrating ACT and exposure-based therapies to treat anxiety disorders in a culturally responsive context. Her population specialties are youth and young adults, families, and perinatal parents.

Psychology graduate training rarely includes business courses. If you are interested in starting a private practice and would like guidance on navigating this process, we can help you figure out what choices will work best for you and your professional goals. 

At this time, we are not providing clinical supervision or practicum opportunities.